Ecole Oraliste ESLVocabulary Wiki

Coin Toss-Verb

Translation French: Tirage au sort


Example: I win coin toss.

Where I found the worl: Super Bowl Bets

Definition: to fling or heave continuously about, to and fro, or up and down <a ship tossed by waves>


Translation French: Sécuriter


Example: I work in the safety.

Where I found the worl: Super Bowl Bets.

Definition: the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss


Translation French: La mi-temps

Image source:

Example: It is the halftime a basketball.

Where I found the worl: Super Bowl Bets

Definition: an intermission between halves of a game or contest (as in football or basketball)

Own verbe

French translation: propre

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Where i found the word: survey

exemples: I own car is red.

Definition: used to express immediate or direct kinship <an own son> <an own sister>

Habits: noun

french translation: habitudes

source image :

Where i found the word: survey

exemples: the habits of my friends is very strange.

definition: a usual way of behaving : something that a person does often in a regular and repeated way


Weather: noun

french translation: temperature

exemples: The weather is cold.

definition: the state of the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place : the temperature and other outside conditions (such as rain, cloudiness, etc.) at a particular time and place


Other: adjective

french translation: autre

exemples: The other name is anto.

definition: different or separate from the person or thing that has already been mentioned


Breath: noun

french translation: haleine

exemples: The breath is very strong.

definition: the air that you take into your lungs and send out from your lungs when you breathe : air that is inhaled and exhaled in breathing


Scale: noun

french translation: écaille

exemples: There are several scales on the fish.

definition: either pan or tray of a balance


Kick: verb

french translation: coup de pied

exemples: He kicked the ball into the goal.

definition: to hit (someone or something) with your foot
