Ecole Oraliste ESLVocabulary Wiki

Pull regular verb


French translation: Tirer

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Examples: He pulls the door.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: to remove (something) by gripping it and using force



Mark noun

French translation: Marque

Source image: ttps://

Examples: He marks in book.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: the starting line or position in a track event


Average noun

French translation: moyenne


Source image:

Examples: The average of exam.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: an estimation of or approximation to an arithmetic mean



Currency noun

French translation: monnaie

Source image:

Examples: He paid with currency.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: the money that a country uses : a specific kind of money


Detention noun


French translation: retenue

Source image:

Examples: He goes detention room.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: the state of being kept in a prison or similar place



Everyone pronoun

French translation: Tout le monde

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Examples: Everyone go in the house.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: every person


Even adverb

French translation: même

Cach dung even

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Examples: He takes even truck.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: used after a negative word (such as not or a contraction of not ) to stress the smallness of an amount or effort


Else Adverb


French translation: autre

Source image:

Examples: We decided to go someplace else for dinner.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition:  in a different or additional manner or place : at a different or additional time


Mood noun

French translation: humeur

Source image:

Thinkstock rf photo of happy sad faces

Examples: He is bad mood.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: the form of a syllogism as determined by the quantity and quality of its constituent propositions


Ring noun

Unico Anello

French translation: bague

Source image:

Examples: She puts a ring on the finger.

Where I found the word: Archie Jokes

Definition: a circlet usually ofprecious metal worn especially on the finger
